Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Complete Summary of the 2013 SJVP -- Green Team


Contrary to belief, radio and television are basically the same with a few differences. Noticas latino radio station tells us that there is a more different and descriptive story telling in radio then there would be in television. With only twenty seconds of time on the air to get the news out and no visuals, they need to get their point across and still keep listeners on their toes. The process of making the show begins with the brainstorming of different breaking news and which one seemed a bit important to the audience their telling it too. Then they choose a reader who has a clear strong voice to get the people to know where they are going with the story.

Usually though they have wraps, which are much longer stories composed of a minute and thirty seconds that is an important story or the main focus of the show. Next they do the same thing television crews do, they write the script, which has to be short and simple, yet gives the whole thing detail. After the script writing they do the normal thing and record the show, a long process that usually takes hours to complete. They finished recording and now they have a ton of things to work with, editing is the next step in creating the radio show they have now. The professor then looks over their work approves it and off their work goes, to be heard by thousands of latinos who tune in every single day to listen.

As they went into their description of working through the radio station they kept mentioning that to be in radio you would need to be descriptive. Even though it seems to be two different worlds, radio is working closely to television and they wanted to get that point across. They made the point to the students that being descriptive was important in the world of radio, that radio and television is a group and the same, and that their line of work is still extremely important to the masses of lovers who tune in each day to listen.


Television is a medium used for a very long time, before cell phones everybody tuned into their television to watch the latest breaking news and they still do now. In the world of television, a good video is needed for a good story. That is what is what the two presenters were trying to get across to the students of the summer program; to get a good video is the important part. Being a reporter you have to be able to take the person to the scene, make them feel like they are there alongside the problems the people are facing. That is what makes people stay tuned into the television to learn more. The crazy thing is, they tell us is that they only have three to four hours worth of time to go out and complete what they call a package.

Chris Peralta explained what exactly a package was, a package is a news story that compresses of videos, story, and sound bytes. He leaves at a certain time and has to return within time to get the package complete and ready before deadline. A process which he states, is the scariest part about being in the business. Along with collecting the videos a script has to be written, fixed, then recorded. Script writing for television is a lot different from writing for radio, instead of being descriptive they have to be conversational, it has to be perfect for the ear something that doesn’t bore people to sleep. Christine Eschenfelder makes the group know that television sentences have to be short and simple, it shouldn’t be too long or not detailed.

Internet Writing
A new thing has come up, something taking the world by storm, no it isn’t dangerous but it is a great tool for getting news around. It’s called the internet and Ethan Magoc explained to the students today how it could make your life easier. Internet news reporting could be more in depth then radio and television, and it could open more possibilities to the reader. Ethan tells us that links are the currency for the internet, you go read an article online and you click on a link sending you another article, you automatically have everything happening in the world at the palm of your hand. It makes the news a lot easier to find for people who cannot get to it. The great thing about the internet, Ethan tells us, is that the websites are all about the facts that is what makes it a lot more popular to the people. You get what you need and then you can be on your way.

Headlines are the most important thing when it comes to the internet, you need to get the attention of the person and keep them there, mainly because people on the internet do not have the greatest attention span. You also need to make sure that visuals are a part of the story, Ethan mentions that it keeps the person focused on the story, it makes it a lot more appealing if you have pictures to go with text. Writing for the internet is like writing for a newspaper, except many people can automatically share it with their friends and their friends will share it with their friends. It will have to be able to go out into the world, that is how a good reporter gets the news out, he has the ability to share the information with others so they can learn and grow.

Ethan also shared that now days, a website for a reporter or aspiring journalist is the greatest things that they can have. It shows what he said, the internet is the next big thing, it is what now the news relies on and how it could help others grow to be the best.

Social Media 
Phones are important now, they are the stones that sit in our pockets and yet they have an intense amount of information that we can get with the touch of a button. With that we get things like Facebook and Twitter, two huge things that are the reason we get news fast. Dr. Andy Selapak informs the class on how the things we take for granted can lead us to more news. With the big social media sites we now have an access to information to things we didn’t have access to before. For example, all the news shows have some sort of app or twitter feed that sends people a reminder that a story had just been posted. Dr. Selapak could not stress enough that following at least a couple major news stations could lead you to becoming a greater journalist.

Gathering, learning, and sharing are the three main points in Dr. Selapak’s presentation. It’s the three keys to success when it comes to being a journalist; in this day and age you better do just that because social media is on the rise. We can only grow with them and learn as journalist how social media can affect the news for the good.

-- Tammy Falcon

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