Saturday, June 29, 2013

Green Team's SJVP experiences

This is a collection of blog posts about the experiences of the high school students who participated in the Summer Journalism Visitation Program at the University of Florida on Saturday, June 29, 2013. Students came from around the state and country to take part in this event. Presenters who volunteered to help SJVP students included Nathan Crabbe (blue team), Antonia Robinson & Novice Johnson (red team), Nicki Karimipour (green team), and Jeff Riley (yellow team).

The Gannett Auditorium has its air conditioning running full blast and its lectern already positioned as eager bodies wait just beyond the double doors. 8:30 a.m. rolls around and the parents and students file in one by one and patiently await the first words of the opening ceremony. SJVP 2013 is finally here. The Summer Journalism Visitation Program has been held at the University of Florida every summer for over 15 years. On this memorable day, students tote their parents across campus to Weimer Hall, located directly across from the reputable Ben Hill Griffith Stadium, for this free career experience where they learn skills such as writing, reporting, editing, photography and communications for newspaper, broadcast and photojournalism. Many of the students participating in the program have been enlightened to not only the print side of journalism, but also how to adapt the same story to radio, television, and social media. For some, it even changed their ideals on what field they want to enter. “I came in wanting to go into multimedia production and I think, after the fact, I’m still wanting to go into multimedia production,” said Caleb Beck, a Destin native and rising senior in high school. “They really made it seem like one of the most interesting fields to go into as far as TV production, weather reporting and just on the range of covering things with videos and sound bites. Just covering all that in one broad spectrum then using that as reporting.” Some may claim that print journalism is dying and newspapers are in a slow yet steady decline, but the passion for story telling is as alive as ever. The kids and families here today show the thriving interest in new and exciting ways to gather and share information at the click of a button. - Nikki Morse

Students learn about the different aspects of writing for various platforms such as print, radio, online and social media.

My experience today was that it was very interesting learning to see what it takes to be a good journalist. Two students who work with the Latino radio station at the University of Florida told the SJVP students about the broadcasting process works. When working on the radio you will have to create an image in the listener’s head. They produce the recording ahead of time to proof for mistakes before putting it on air. When translating different languages for radio, you have to find a fluent speaker of the language to speak the news cast. We learned today that you must ensure that the camera can record on all kinds of formats, have good picture while recording to grab the watcher’s attention. I learned that a news “package” is going around getting pictures and video for the news cast. To come up with what the news team will talk about for the week, they need to have a meeting to discuss story ideas. There are different segments in a program, such as hard breaking news, soft news and funny news casts. Smartphones are useful because social media helps us find information faster. Facebook & Twitter are probably the best media tools in my opinion. We also learned that 1.11 billion people use Facebook and 554 million people use Twitter. People can find breaking news, just by going on these social networks. So all in all, today was a wonderful experience. - Dorien Martin

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